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10 Promising Gpt 4 Open Source Alternatives In Natural Language Processing Nlp

Orient Software

10 Promising GPT-4 Open-Source Alternatives in Natural Language Processing (NLP)

GPT-4 Remains Closed, but Open-Source Alternatives Emerge

While GPT-4 remains inaccessible to most researchers and businesses, exciting open-source large language models are making waves in the world of natural language processing (NLP).

Researchers and startups are releasing open-source, free-to-use multimodal models, which are capable of performing a wide range of tasks. These models have shown impressive performance on multimodal tasks such as optical character recognition (OCR), visual question answering (VQA), and object detection.

LLaVA: A Rising Star in Open-Source Generative AI

One particularly promising open-source alternative to GPT-4 is LLaVA (Large Language and Visual Assistant), a multimodal model developed by Microsoft. LLaVA has demonstrated strong performance on a variety of NLP tasks, including text generation, translation, and image captioning.

The open-source community is actively contributing to the development of LLaVA, with a recent release (LLaVA 15) showing significant improvements in performance.

Youssef Hosni Medium
